Phillip Family Reunion
70th Wedding Anniversary party ~ Jean and Maxine Phillip
90th Birthday party ~ Bob Phillip
90th Birthday party ~ Harriet Phillip
Honored Guest ~ Leo Phillip
Labor Day Week-end, September 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 2011
Alliance, Nebraska
1. Friday, September 2nd 6:00 p.m. till ??? ~ BYOB ~ snacks provided ~ Judy and Larry Mann's home (10 miles west of Alliance)
2. Saturday, September 3rd
o 8 am - Continental Breakfast in event room at Newberry's (formerly Newberry's Ace Hardware ~ 4th and Box Butte)
o 11 am - 1 pm Lunch at Newberry's
o 2 pm - 5 pm Anniversary and Birthday party at Newberry's for everyone and anyone
o 6 pm - ?? pm Buffet dinner and evening at Newberry's (no host bar)
3. Sunday, September 4th ~ 9:00 am ~ Brunch at Janice and Archie Lawrence's home (1640 Emerson)
4/3/11 ~ After checking on reserving a block of rooms.....
.....I found out if you reserve the rooms on line, you will get a cheaper rate (just check around on-line...what I found for Days Inn, 117 Cody Avenue, Alliance was a total cost of $145.83 for two nights for two people.
Days Inn has an indoor swimming pool
This is the site that I found the above mentioned price
On 4/3/11, I sent out the the second Evite to all those relatives who have not responded ~ this evite is for the Saturday afternoon party only. Next we will need to know how many will attend the other events.
At some point later we will be sending email invitations to people outside the family for the 2-5 pm reception part of the reunion. If any of you have email addresses for people you would like to be invited, let me know.
I will send an evite out to all email addresses I receive sometime later (closer to the event). We will put an invitation notice in the Scottsbluff and Alliance paper closer to the event.
For an accurate count and planning purposes, please send this information to Sharon ~ singo2@frontier.com or mail to ~ Sharon Singleton, 627 N Jefferson, Moscow ID 83843
or call 208-892-8146 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 208-892-8146 end_of_the_skype_highlighting; cell 208-301-2060 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 208-301-2060 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
How many will attend
_______Friday night ~ BYOB ~ snacks served ~ Judy and Larry Mann's
_______Saturday morning breakfast at Newberry Building
_______Saturday lunch at Newberrys
XXXXXSaturday afternoon (open to public) party at Newberrys ~ evite ~ I have this list counted so no need to put anything here
_______Saturday dinner at Newberrys
_______Sunday morning ~ Brunch ~ Janice and Archie Lawrence's
Where will you be staying? ____________________________________
If you want to add any family to the email list, let me know. Below is a list of Phillip relatives that receive this email and the evite for Saturday afternoon event.
Not responded
Ken’s family
Ø Harriet
Ø Ray, Sharon, Dick, Bill, Jim, Paul
Ø Dennis, Kenny, Karla, Tom, Kelly, Mike, Nick, Brittany, Cody, Dani, Scott
Ø Cally, Casey, Phillip
Jean’s family
Ø Judy, Jary
Ø Cory, Jared, Jennifer, Allison
Bob’s family
Ø Janice, Don, Mary, Roberta
Ø Terry, Brian, Kyle, Scott, Walt, Geoffrey
Leo’s family
Ø Lynelle, Steve, Dean, Julie
Ø Jerrod, Devin